Aditya Chetan

Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Cornell University.


345, Gates Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14850

I am working with Prof. Bharath Hariharan on problems at the intersection of Computer Vision and Graphics. Specifically, I am interested in generative modelling for 3D shapes using sparse, partial and noisy data.

Previously, I was a Research Fellow (Pre-Doctoral) at Microsoft Research, India, working with Dr. Nipun Kwatra. I completed my undergraduate studies, from IIIT Delhi, majoring in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. I have also worked as a Research Fellow with the Databases and Information Systems group at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics. During my undergraduate, I interned at Goldman Sachs R&D, Philips Research and Microsoft India. I was also a member of Laboratory for Computational Social Systems (LCS2) group at IIIT Delhi.

I have had the good fortune to work with Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty, Dr. Paramita Mirza, Prof. Andrew Yates, Prof. Kaushik Kalyanaraman, and Prof. Alec Jacobson.

I am looking for research internships for Summer 2024! If you have any open positions, please take a look at my CV and research statement. If you feel that my profile fits your vacancy, please do reach out!


Mar 8, 2025 Our work on accurate differential operators for hybrid neural fields was accepted to CVPR 2025! See you at Nashville!
Dec 9, 2023 Distance Learner was accepted at the NeurIPS Workshop on Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations (NeurReps 2023)! See you at New Orleans!
Aug 22, 2022 Started my Ph.D. at Cornell University, advised by Prof. Bharath Hariharan!